It was hot here today. At last. Tonight when I got home I opened all the windows, turned on the fan, and thought to myself, finally, finally it feels like summertime. And as I puttered around in my bare feet, watering my geraniums, and thinking vaguely about a dinner of corn on the cob, it hit me. Popsicles. That's what I wanted for dinner. What could be more summery and refreshing? Popsicles are grass-underfoot-running-through-the-sprinklers-cicadas-singing-in-the-trees perfect summer food. And if it were not for the three hour freezing time and my rampant laziness, I would have run right to the kitchen to make these watermelon popsicles.
In my defense, I didn't have all the ingredients. Okay, I didn't have fresh mint (I'm working hard to justify my laziness here), but I'm sure the mint is essential to a recipe of only five ingredients. Tonight I settled for a slice of watermelon. It's supposed to be hot all week. Tomorrow I buy mint.